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WHG-compliant fastening with MKT VMH and VME plus

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WHG-compliant fastening with MKT VMH and VME plus

New: Durable marking with whg washer


LAU facilities (facilities for storage, filling and handling) must comply with the requirements of the German Water Resources Act (WHG). According to §62 WHG, LAU facilities must be designed in such a way that they do not adversely affect the water. This means in particular that the structure must be watertight, and this must also be taken into account for concrete fixings. This is where our advanced fastening systems come into play!


Our WHG-compliant fastening systems


Injection system VMH:

  • Specially for liquid-tight concrete surfaces (FD/FDE concrete).
  • Hybrid injection mortar with cement content.

Injection system VME plus:

  • Specially for coated concrete surfaces.
  • Epoxy resin injection mortar, styrene-free.


Injection system VMH for FD/FDE concrete Injection system VME plus for coated concrete surfaces
FD Beton Beschichtetener Beton
Injection system VMH with aBG for use in FD/FDE concrete surfaces Injection system VME plus with aBG for use in coated concrete surfaces


MKT fastening systems are not only powerful, but also simple to use and easy to install. When using suction drills, there is no need to clean the drill hole afterwards. In addition, our systems do not require the subsequent pressing of the fastenings with special washers, as is necessary with other manufacturers: this saves time and money!


Legal basis and training

In accordance with the general type approval (aBG) and the Ordinance on Installations for the Handling of Substances Hazardous to Water (AwSV), specialists must be trained and authorized. Our MKT application technology offers the necessary training and certificates to ensure that all legal requirements are met.


New: Durable marking with whg washer

The WHG washer enables the clear and durable marking of a WHG comliant anchoring. It is simply placed under the regular washer.

WHG Scheibe

More Information:

General construction technique permit VME plus

General construction technique permit VMH


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